Saturday, July 16, 2016

The Time Machine - Chapter 9

Overall: I’m honestly surprised that when The Traveler re-emerged in his dining room, he didn’t look like Robin Williams in Jumanji.

Night falls on the forest where Weena and the Traveler have found themselves, and as they wander (trying to make their way back to the White Sphinx, where the time machine went missing) they are set upon by Morlocks. As they’re being carried off though, the time traveler begins to fight back. At first he lights the camphor, and then a nearby tree. However, he seems to be knocked out and when he wakes up he’s being carried off by Morlocks.

From here this chapter got surprisingly violent. Like, traveler begins bludgeoning these things with his crowbar and he fucking relishes it! After downing a few Morlocks, he finds that he’s slowly able to see them in the darkness and that they’re running around him and away from him. As the sky lights up he realizes that the tree he had set alight has now caught the whole forest on fire, causing the Morlocks to all run away. Eventually the traveler and the Morlocks take refuge from the flames (I think on a hilltop, which isn’t how fires work, but whatever).

As the day breaks, the traveler ties grass to his feet (really) to avoid singing them on the remnants of the fire, and he realizes that Weena is apparently dead. He notes that he has some odd detachment from this in his retelling of the event, because he’s apparently spent a fair amount of time already mourning her in the future. However, it’s still sad. I’m not quite sure if Weena’s dead though… we didn’t see a body or anything, it’d be kind of strange to kill basically the only character with a name off page.

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