Saturday, July 16, 2016

The Time Machine - Chapter 8

Overall: Kinda feels like setup. A cool setpiece though

Well, it turns out the Palace of Green Porcelain is some kind of museum/library place. Wandering around in it, the Traveler and Weena try to find something that might help them against the Morlocks. The whole scene felt very much to me like something out of The Last of Us, with there apparently being Morlocks lurking somewhere in the building, and our two protagonists having to avoid their notice. Eventually, the Traveler finds some matches and a bottle of camphor oil, as well as an iron crowbar that he hopes to use in opening a pair of bronze doors.

Much of the rest of this chapter though, feels somewhat like relationship building between Weena and The Traveler. There’s a really bizarre sequence midway through the middle in which the two of them dance to a tune that the Traveler whistles. While that might be a cute scene elsewhere, it really just feels a bit out of place in the midst of this abandoned building exploration.

Also, the Traveler’s getting more and more bloodthirsty as the fight with the Morlocks looms ahead. He almost decides to leave Weena so that he could go kill the Morlocks he hears in the museum using the crowbar but he decides against it. Wondering how this will progress.

Finally, I’m going to predict that he left himself the matches and camphor oil. He remarks upon how unusual it was to find the items there, and I think it’ll end up being a sort of time loop being created.

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