Saturday, July 16, 2016

The Time Machine - Chapter 7

Overall: The Traveler comes to a horrifying revelation, and contemplates it.

This is a slower chapter than the previous one (would’ve been kind of surprised if it had kept that momentum, honestly) but one that I think is necessary. After escaping the clutches of the Morlocks, the traveler spends some time wandering about with Weena, and trying to avoid the realization that’s dawning on him: that the Morlocks’ diet is the Eloi.

At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if the book goes with this, or if this turns out to be another misdirect. The Traveler’s already made two guesses about the society surrounding him that he’s rethought, so maybe this one will turn out to be another feint. Even so, the traveler is frightened enough that he’s dreading the new moon, which the Eloi seem to fear as well, as it indicates when the Morlocks will come above ground and likely feed on the upper-landers. The Traveler decides that he’d best arm himself with some sort of torch for when the new moon comes along.

One thing that’s been brought up in a few chapters at this point is the Palace of Green Porcelain, which the Traveler and Weena pass at various points. The place seems to be locked up but I’m excited to see what’s in it, as it’s what the traveler is now aiming to access.

Also, I really hope the traveler doesn’t form some sort of romantic attachment to Weena. She’s consistently described in childlike terms and it’d be really creepy if he does. He seems to mostly be treating her alright for now, like an adult who’s just found themselves wandering around with a child ought to behave (protective/indulging, I guess) but I don’t have much confidence in old books for this kind of thing to continue

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