Saturday, July 9, 2016

The Time Machine - Chapter 5

Overall: Well here we go, Morlocks oh my

SO I’m beginning to wonder if we’re going to go to any other time periods during this book. Almost halfway through by this point, so we’ll see I suppose. The Time Traveler goes back looking for his time machine only to find that it is missing. Frantic, he searches for it before coming upon… well, I’m not exactly sure how to describe it. It’s another type of being living in this world, called a Morlock. So, I know enough about Morlocks through cultural osmosis (and the X-men) to know that essentially they’re subterranean creatures. I googled the name and it came up with some monsters which look a lot like these guys from Rick and Morty.

The Time Traveler, again, is interesting here in that he’s less interested in the fact that these creatures exist so much as he is in figuring out what role they must play in the society of the Eloi (the name of the above-ground creatures). He begins to surmise that there’s a social stratification by which the Eloi get to live in relative splendor and peace while the Morlocks must toil away underground in some sort of factory that keeps goods supplied to the surface.

The Traveler then meets an Eloi named Weena who he, quite frankly, treats rather brusquely in trying to get information about the Morlocks from her. She’s distressed by the whole thing and the Traveler ends up placating her by lighting a match (so basically dangling his keys). He’s still unsure where the machine is, but now he’s interested in these Morlocks and hopes to find out more about them. I want to see where this goes.

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