Saturday, July 9, 2016

The Time Machine - Chapter 3

TW for mention of chronic illness

Overall: Huh, so that’s where that image comes from

You know, for all the description that goes on in this chapter, not much actually “happens”. The Time Traveler begins to relay his story, and particularly of his first using the time machine, which occurred just earlier that morning. Sitting in the machine, he pulls a lever and suddenly time starts to move in fast-pace all around him, while he sort of phases through it. I thought the description was actually very interesting here, of how the sun seemed to almost bounce up and down over the horizon as the days went on. How eventually everything just became a grey blur as the surroundings began to speed up during the sequence, and how the Time Traveler apparently worried about the possibility of phasing into something—that is, if when he stops the time machine there’s something occupying the space that he or the machine occupy. It’s a valid concern, but one which our time traveler seems to have forgotten about until the actual moment of travel occurs.

When the Time Traveler arrives in the distant future, it is initially hailing and miserable. The Time Traveler becomes scared and is about to head back home when the weather clears and he is approached by a human figure in a robe. The description he gives actually just conjured this image to mind

That said, I do have to call attention to one phrase the Time Traveler uses in describing these people, saying they reminded him of “of the more beautiful kind of consumptive”… which, like, did people fetishize that back in the day? That’s so fucked up.

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