Monday, May 9, 2016

Cosmic Puppets, Chapter 15

Chapter 15
A pretty slow closing chapter to the book. Ted packs up his things and bids the town farewell as the old town slowly returns to its normal state. Some funny descriptions in here, like how in certain stores, pockets of the illusionary town still exist, so a person can literally walk into the other dimension, although when they do they transform into whatever they were over there.

Christopher bids Ted farewell before shifting back into his original, unchanged state. This version only has a vague impression that he knows Ted at all, being only somewhat aware of the whole battle for the town.
As Ted drives off, he thinks to his wife, who he basically accepts is going to divorce him (apparently this is a bit of a theme in Dick’s work), and he seems to be okay with that; rather dismissive of Peg in fact. He looks out the window and is generally left in awe of Armaiti in a pseudo-religious type of worship.

A few closing thoughts next post, and also talking more generally about sci-fi stuff in general, as I want to continue doing this.

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