Monday, May 9, 2016

Cosmic Puppets, Chapter 10

Chapter 10

TW for… I don’t even know what? Arachnophobia, death, discussion of pain and vermin-based nastiness

I… I don’t even know what happened at the end here… y’all what the fuck was that? It’s horrifying to think about and kind of ridiculous at the same time….

So Ted and Christopher talk with Mary, who’s impressed that the two are able to disrupt the Haze so effectively. It’s noted here that while Ted is pretty insistent that he couldn’t have done it without Christopher, both Christopher and Mary are quick to shift all of the credit to Ted. Ted is uncomfortable with this, and I kind of am too. Pet theory at the moment is that Ted’s meeting Christopher was no accident, so a lot of what Christopher says is suspect to me at this point.

Mary tells Ted that he should stay at her father’s hospital instead of the boarding house in order to stay away from Peter. Ted acquiesces and heads off, as does Christopher. Mary then goes to the barn (Peter’s workshop) and shifts her consciousness into the golem, guiding it to go meet him..

And then…oh jeez y’all the image is just horrifying. Suddenly spiders (one of Peter’s animals) begin to drop down on Mary and a swarm of rats comes at her. All of these animals start picking away at her as she runs off… but apparently spiders and rats are able to eat through human flesh like a school of piranhas and they chomped through Mary down to her skeleton… like… I don’t even know how to fathom this. Dick says that she was dead before her body stopped running. It’s actually pretty absurd and ludicrous to imagine, but there you go. Jeezum, this Peter kid is so messed up.

Poor Mary, poor Doc Meade… I’m kinda shuddering just remembering.

So fucked up.

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