Sunday, June 19, 2016

Frankenstein - Chapter 17

Overall: I did not expect this. Huh.

So, Vic agreed.

I mean, it took him a while, and even Vic pointed out that the whole last part of the story kinda soured him, but in the end he agrees to go about making a new being to keep Adam company—conditionally.

Adam agrees that after Victor creates this second creature, he’ll leave Europe altogether and go to the wilderness of South America, where, apparently, there are no humans… not gonna touch that one right now. It takes some bargaining and cajoling, but eventually Victor agrees and the whole thing is settled.

Victor sure got over the death of two people close to his family pretty quickly. I guess he’s in some way doing it because Adam threatens to keep hurting more and more of Vic’s family if he doesn’t agree, but still, Victor’s main concern seems to be the wrongness of creating a new monster, rather than avenging his brother, which, as I recall, he had stated back around chapter 9 as being his desire.

Anyways, Vic sees the reason in the story overall and while he still sees Adam as contemptible, at least he seems a little more aware of his own part in the whole situation beyond how it relates to how he feels.

As Adam leaves and Vic departs, we get another moment of him shouting at nature. Oh Vic, some things just won’t change, will they? Still apparently kind of despondent around your family, still convinced that the entirety of nature is mocking you.

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